Completing the diary

How do I register?

If completing the online diary, go to radiodiary.co.uk and click on New User. You will need to enter your postcode and the 4-digit pin number that will be sent in your invitation.

If completing a mobile diary, you will need to download the radio diary app from the App Store or Google Play, depending on which device you are using. Once on your device, open the app and tap on ‘New User’. You will need to enter your postcode and the 4-digit pin number that will be sent in your invitation

The app looks like this:

I’ve forgotten my PIN number

The PIN number will be on the invitation email you received from Ipsos.  If you cannot find it, please contact the helpdesk and they will be able to advise you on this.   Helpdesk can be contacted by email at RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com  or by freephone telephone number 0808 238 5473.

I’ve forgotten my password

Please click here https://www.radiodiary.co.uk/frontend/login/forgot to reset your password.

Enter your registered email address and click ‘continue’.

An email will be sent to your registered email acount with a link to reset your password. Please check your spam folder if it has not arrived within 10 minutes.

Click on the link in the email and enter a new password.

For Mobile Diary participants, after resetting your password you will be directed to the online diary. Please ignore this step and sign in using the mobile diary app instead.

Any problems please contact the helpdesk by email at RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com or by freephone telephone number 0808 238 5473.

What if I didn’t listen to the radio today?

if you have not listened to the radio on a particular day, you must record that on the diary:

Online diary: click on the ‘day of the week’ tab (white down arrow) and select the option ‘did not listen at all this day’. Otherwise, the diary will assume that you have not yet filled in your listening for this day.

Mobile diary: tap on the day you have not listened and select the option ‘I didn’t listen to the radio today’. Otherwise, the diary will assume that you have not yet filled in your listening for this day


What are the rewards?

For full information on the rewards please visit Rewards page

When are rewards paid?

Rewards are transferred to your account within 10 business days of us receiving your completed diary. All diaries are processed on the Tuesday after the diary week, at midnight. If you find that any of your points are missing from your account, you can contact us on diarypanelrewards@eu.biworldwide.com or call the BI rewards helpline 01908 214707


What do I need to do to earn rewards?

You need to complete a diary for a 7-day period. Ipsos will inform you which days the diary starts and finishes. The diary needs to be completed for those days to earn rewards.  If you didn’t listen to the radio you will need to tick the ‘I did not listen’ box within the diary.  For full information go to ‘What do I have to do?’ from the home page.

How do I keep track of my reward balance?

After your first completed diary, we will email you a personal link to a dedicated rewards website, where you can easily keep track of your reward balance.

You need to create an account in order to be able to accumulate and spend your points.

Data Security

How secure is the data transfer and is the data I provide sent in a secure way?

Ipsos takes its information security responsibilities seriously and applies precautions to protect your information from loss, theft or misuse. These precautions include appropriate physical security of our offices, controlled access to computer systems, and use of secure, encrypted internet connections when collecting personal information. For full information please see the ‘Privacy Policy’ at the bottom of the home page.

Who uses the information collected from the panel and how is my information used?

The listening data from the Radio Panel is used by the BBC and commercial broadcasters. This data is used to help with the planning of radio programmes. The RAJAR data is used to provide the industry currency for advertisers.  All data is anonymised, so your personal details will not be linked to the listening you have provided.

What will you do with my data?

Once we receive the listening data from all participants taking part in a given week, we collate this data in anonymous form and produce report outputs that are delivered to RAJAR and to all subscribers (namely, radio stations across the UK). You cannot be identified from the data we deliver to RAJAR or to stations.

Ipsos will only retain your data in a way that can identify you for as long as is necessary to support the research project and findings. In practice, this means that once we have satisfactorily reported the anonymous research findings, we will securely remove your personal, identifying data from our systems.

It is your right to access, amend or delete the data we hold on you by simply contacting us on RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com or call the Freephone helpline 0808 238 5473.


Who can I contact if I have a query or problem?

You can contact the Ipsos RAJAR – Radio Diary team by sending an email to RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com or calling on their Freephone helpline 0808 238 5473.

Alternatively, you can also contact them by writing to:

Ipsos RAJAR Panel Team
Kings House
Kymberley Road
Harrow HA1 1PT

General Queries

Why should I participate?

By being on the Radio Diary Panel your results will be used to provide the radio industry with a clear picture of who listens to what radio stations and when. For more information go to ‘About the RAJAR Panel’ on the home page.

What is required from me as a member of the panel?

You will be required to keep a diary of your radio listening for a duration of seven consecutive days (1 week) each month. For more information click here.  If you are unable to complete a diary for any reason, please inform us by contacting the helpdesk by email at RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com  or by freephone telephone number 0808 238 5473 to let us know.

If you miss a diary and do not let us know, then Ipsos reserve the right to terminate your panel membership, and you will no longer be invited to complete future diaries or qualify for rewards.

How long do I need to stay on the panel?

The panel runs yearly until at least the end of 2025, and we would like you to stay on the panel for as long as you regularly participate.

What if I want to leave the panel?

Your participation is voluntary. You can leave the panel at any time.  Please contact the helpdesk by email at RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com or by freephone telephone number 0808 238 5473 to advise us you’d like to leave.

What if I’m on holiday the week I’m due to do my diary?

We do appreciate that on occasion you may not be able to complete a diary or multiple diaries. In these cases, we would kindly ask that you inform us either in advance or soon after your diary week. This is to ensure that we continue to keep you on the panel and invite you to take part in subsequent weeks.

Can I refer a friend or family member to the panel?

Sorry, but that isn’t possible. We only invite participants from other Ipsos surveys who have agreed to be re-contacted, as well as randomly select telephone numbers or addresses to call for an interview.  A screening process makes sure we keep a balanced representation of the UK population.

Can I change diary type?

Swapping diary type (e.g. mobile to online, or offline to online) is at Ipsos’ discretion.  Please contact the helpdesk by email at RadioDiary@ipsosmediacell.com or by freephone telephone number 0808 238 5473 if you wish to change diary type and they will advise if this is possible.