RAJAR National Radio Listening Panel invites you to take part in our survey

Welcome and thank you!

We would like to welcome you to the RAJAR National Radio Listening Panel (RAJAR Panel) and thank you for agreeing to join.

Members of the RAJAR Panel assist the UK radio industry by allowing us to measure their listening behaviour.  Results from this research study will be used by all the radio stations, commercial and the BBC, for planning their programmes.

About the RAJAR Panel

Why are radio audiences measured?

Radio listening information collected from individuals on the RAJAR Panel provides the clearest picture of who listens to what radio stations and when.  The information is used by both the BBC and commercial broadcasters to help them plan their schedules and develop programmes to meet the needs of their audiences.

It is just as important for broadcasters to know who is not listening so if you are not an avid radio listener, or do not listen to the radio at all, we still want you to be part of this research.

Who takes part?

Not everyone can be part of the panel.

The RAJAR Panel needs to accurately represent the makeup of the UK population in terms of age, geography, ethnicity and other demographic indicators. To do this, we invite people from every background to take part so that our panel will be representative of the whole UK population. The national profile is updated each year using official data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

We invite participants from other Ipsos surveys who have agreed to be re-contacted, as well as randomly selected telephone numbers or addresses, to participate in the panel.  A screening process makes sure we keep a balanced representation of the UK population.

So, when you join the panel, you and other panellists are effectively representing thousands of people like you, around you.

Why have I been selected to join the panel?

A cross-section of the population is needed, covering all ages and backgrounds, including people who listen to little or no radio. We’d like you to take part to reflect the listening habits of people just like you.

About Ipsos

Ipsos is an independent research company. As a member of the Market Research Society, we abide by the Market Research Society Code of Conduct and associated regulations and guidelines

Click here for more information on Ipsos.


RAJAR stands for Radio Joint Audience Research and is the official body in charge of measuring radio audiences in the UK. It was set up in 1992 and is jointly owned by the BBC and the Radiocentre on behalf of the commercial sector. RAJAR is a non-profit organisation.  RAJAR data is used by all stations to plan their programmes.  It is also used by the commercial stations to attract and schedule advertising, without which they would be unable to exist.

RAJAR currently surveys over 300 individual national and local radio stations broadcasting in the UK, of which 55 belong to the BBC. These stations vary greatly in size, from national to local.

Click here for more information on RAJAR

Will it cost me anything? Will I get junk emails or nuisance telephone calls?

Being part of this panel will not cost you anything. There is no registration fee, no membership fee, and we will never ask you to buy anything. We guarantee your participation in the RAJAR Panel will never result in any calls, emails or post not directly relating to the RAJAR panel.

What do I have to do?

As a RAJAR Panel member, you will be asked to keep a diary of your radio listening for a duration of 1 week per month.

The diary week runs from Monday to Sunday. In the week before your diary week begins we will send you an email or give you a call to remind you of the diary start date.

You will be required to record the station(s) you listened to, the time of day, where you were e.g. at home, at work or in the car, and what platform you were listening on e.g. AM/FM radio, DAB radio, smart speaker. You can also record in the diary that you did not listen to the radio on any particular day.

If you are not an avid radio listener, or even if you do not listen to the radio at all, we still want you to take part and complete a diary for us each month.

What’s in it for me?

When you join the RAJAR Panel you will be asked to fill in a seven-day (week-long) Radio Diary each month. As a thank you for doing this we will invite you to join our rewards programme.

Diary Rewards

We offer a reward for each diary you complete for us.

Bonus reward

AND to thank you for your continued participation you will receive a bonus after every third completed diary.



Completing the diary



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