Ipsos standards and accreditations


Ipsos standards and accreditations provide our clients with the peace of mind that they can always depend on us to deliver reliable, sustainable findings. Our focus on quality and continuous improvement means we have embedded a ‘right first time’ approach throughout our organisation.

ISO 20252

This is the international market research-specific standard that supersedes BS 7911/MRQSA & incorporates IQCS (Interviewer Quality Control Scheme); it covers the five stages of a Market Research project. Ipsos in the UK were the first company in the world to gain this accreditation and now many are following our lead.

ISO 27001

This is the international standard for information security designed to ensure the selection of adequate and proportionate security controls. Ipsos was the first research company in the UK to be awarded this in August 2008.

ISO 9001

This is the international general company standard with a focus on continual improvement through quality management systems. In 1994, we became one of the early adopters of the ISO 9001 business standard.

Market Research Society (MRS) Company Partnership

By being an MRS Company Partner, Ipsos endorses and supports the core MRS brand values of professionalism, research excellence and business effectiveness, and commits to comply with the MRS Code of Conduct throughout the organisation.

Data Protection Act 2018

Ipsos is required to comply with the Data Protection Act 2018. It covers the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy.