Welcome and thank you!


We would like to welcome you to the RAJAR National Radio Listening Panel (RAJAR Panel) and thank you for agreeing to join.

Members of the RAJAR Panel assist the UK radio industry by allowing us to measure their listening behaviour.  Results from this research study will be used by all the radio stations, commercial and the BBC, for planning their programmes.

It doesn’t matter how little or how much you listen to the radio; it’s just as important for us to know about people who never listen as it is to know about people who do listen!

You have been specially selected for this study and your participation is valued by the entire radio industry. Without willing individuals like yourself we would never know who was listening to which radio stations, and when.

This website aims to answer any questions you might have about the process we use to capture radio listening and being a member of the panel itself.

Reshma Harjani
Survey Director